Even if you got to this blog by accident, please click here and give me your opinions on the following:
1. Is the Bible the true word of God and/or Jesus, or is it just a collection of stories written by man? Has it remained intact and pure over the centuries or has it been twisted around and changed by man to suit those in power?
2. How did humans come about on earth? Were we created by an omnipotent God; did we evolve naturally from lower life forms; are we the result of some sort of engineering or modification by a superior race; or did we get here by some other means?
3. Does organized religion help to guide us, or is it simply a tool to control the masses?
Please see copyright information here (or on post on this blog dated July 16, 2009)
I'm blessed!
Not long after moving to the Bible Belt, I asked a cashier how she was doing, and she told me, "I'm blessed." I found this statement quite interesting, especially that she said it with such strong conviction.
To "bless," if I understand correctly, means to sanctify by a religious rite or to request of God the bestowal of divine favor upon. Who had blessed this woman? A priest? God? Or did she have the power to do it herself? I felt a little nervous around her, not knowing whether to simply smile or perhaps genuflect.Yet she seemed quite pleasant and not at all pompous. In fact, she seemed so nice that I was hoping she would bless me too. Sadly though, she did not offer to allow me to share in her state of blessedness, but merely told me to "Have a blessed day."
This was disturbing as well, for she gave no instructions as to how I should go about this. Who was going to bless my day for me? It wasn't long though, before I noticed that many others here in Texas refer to themselves as being "blessed" as well, while giving the same parting command to "Have a blessed day."
I began to realize that before I could share in their blessed state, I must first have a blessed day or two; but I didn't know how to do it. What could I go to have my days "blessed?" And so I began studying the Bible, thinking that somewhere in there were the instructions that I was searching for.
However, since I've begun my studies, I've come up against a plethora of unexplained mysteries and unanswered questions. Hence, the purpose of this blog: to present my questions to the world in hopes that some "blessed" person out there can give me the answers. So, thanks for reading, and have a blessed day!
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